by Paul Winalski » Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:06 pm
The iron atoms of the stainless steel chelate (coordinate-bond) to the major organic compounds in the juice of the garlic responsible for "that garlic smell".
Iron atoms are very, very good at this. Haemoglobin (the protein that delivers oxygen to our body cells) is one such compound--four iron atoms coordinate-bonded to the globin protein reversibly coordinate-bind to oxygen molecules, and carries them through our bloodstream.
Most likely the iron atoms of the stainless steel sink bind to the aromatic garlic compounds--and thus pull them from your skin so that they're held in the sink. You of course don't smell them there, as nobody goes around sticking their heads into the sink, sniffing closely at the metal to see if it's absorbed food odors.
-Paul W.