A friend just ordered it for his orchard, I've never seen or heard of anything like it:
Minnesota 447: Seedling from the University of Minnesota, 1936, but never introduced. A massively flavored dessert apple but not for the faint of heart. A whole new level of culinary experience. Likely the most unusual and distinctive apple you'll ever taste. Astonished people who try it have described the flavor as strange, molasses, olives, fabulous, sweet, complex and sugar cane. The roundish fruit is medium size and entirely covered with dark bluish-purple stripes. The aromatic crisp crystalline flesh is apricot orange in color with occasional red staining, so juicy it will run down your hand. The university did not release it because it did not taste like an apple. But they have released some scion wood for grafting. A limited quantity of trees are available to experiment with. Grow it where it gets cold as it has been reported to have no flavor in the south. It may receive a name next year or two if demand is sufficient. Speculation is it may be called "Sugarcane". Blossoms midseason. zone 4-6.....