This happened quite a few years ago, but I still remember it with great sadness. A great chef called Meurice, said to be the last pupil of Escoffier, had a not very large restaurant in Eastbourne, the nearest town of any size to where my father and I lived in England. We had accountants in the town for many years and went there fairly often. We nearly always ate at "Chez Meurice" which was near the train station and very near the bus station. We virtually always had Dover sole in the form of "Sole Meurice", which had on it "Sauce Meurice" which was definitely the best sauce I have ever tasted. My wife really loved it when she had it many years later. The ingredients included delicious tiny shrimp.
Meurice's son inherited the restaurant and the recipe and all was well for a number of years. Fortunately we had stopped going to Eastbourne when I read the horrifying news that the restaurant had been sold to a fish and chips shop!! I felt like weeping.
P.S. With thanks to a later post by Jeff Grossman, for Meurice read Maurice. It was all so long ago I was unsure of the spelling, and did not know where to look it up. Thanks for the info and confirmation.