It must be a real feast or famine profession, being a turkey farmer. You get one day a year with more sales than you can handle and the rest of the year is pretty slow.
We always did a turkey and had the usual week of turkey sandwiches and turkey a la king etc. to use up all the excess turkey leftovers. Enjoyed some of that as well as the original presentation of the turkey on Thanksgiving (though I've misplaced my family recipe for oatmeal dressing - the American practice of using things like oysters in a dressing just seems wrong...)
But I've been one that doesn't do turkey in between Thanksgivings. Until this year when I saw some turkey thighs in the butcher shop, I bit and took a pair home. I butchered them (used the bones to make stock) and rubbed the meat with ancho chili (could have used some mild Aleppo I have), garlic and cumin for awhile I then grilled them.
Turned out looking rather like pork done the same way. I sliced up the thighs crossways and served them up with a salad side and we really enjoyed them. A pair of thighs makes enough for two plus a lunch for one later.
So we are no longer a once a year house (maybe twice if you decide to have turkey at Christmas, although my wife likes a good goose) and our only challenge may be finding turkey bits the rest of the year.
As it happen, we have a half a bandsawn turkey in the freezer (a whole one is too much for two people) so will probably have that for Christmas.