by Jenise » Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:20 pm
A friend is all crazy about grill mats and just alerted me to them being for sale at Costco this season. I have not eaten food Vic has cooked this way. Another friend that we camp with from time to time seems to be equally smitten and uses one on his small, folding Weber. I have eaten several things cooked on it.
And I don't get it.
Best I can tell, the non-porous mat turns a barbecue grill into a skillet surface. Anything containing moisture steams. I asked Vic and he said "well, shrimp and veggies don't fall through." If that's the concern get a grilling basket: problem solved. For the camping friend, with fewer options and a need to cook almost everything outside, it at least makes some sense because maybe you don't want everything to taste grilled. But for Vic, with a high-tech kitchen, why? If you don't want grilled taste and you don't want things falling through, cook them on your fancy stove! Stir fry them on your 25,000 BTU wok burner! But buying mats so your barbecue can do what it was never meant to in the first place? I don't understand.
If you use grilling mats, let me hear from you.
My wine shopping and I have never had a problem. Just a perpetual race between the bankruptcy court and Hell.--Rogov