Known as Fox Point seasoning in Milwaukee and Lake Shore seasoning when sold in Chicago as a "neighborhood blend", this product from The Spice House is a beautifully balanced and pretty blend of finely ground shallots, garlic, onions, scallions, salt and green peppercorns. I actually visited the original store in Milwaukee last week and fell in love when I sprinkled a bit on the back of my hand. I could just taste the next fresh white fish I cooked at home coated in it. Wednesday night's halibut proved that to be a very very good idea.
Generally not one to buy spice blends, btw. Sure there are many good ones, but I'd rather create my own. This, however, is exceptional, and perfect for seafood. Btw, to my amusement I see that Penzey's also sells a Fox Point blend and the ingredients are the same. But looking at a pic, Penzey's version is too much big flakes and lacks the refinement of Spice House's finer grind.