by Jenise » Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:51 pm
I'll admit it. I'm in love with this show. Only, I hardly get to see it. One day I was stuck on the sofa with a migraine and lucked into a marathon of back episodes, so I got hooked and caught up in one fell swoop. Since then I've seen an episode here or there, but it's on too late for me on Wednesday nights so I end up either lucking into a reshowing at some other point or catching up on the website without watching the episode at all like I have for the past two weeks.
Just now I learned that Michael got sent home last week. All I can say is, it's about time. He's a loveable teddy bear of a guy, totally harmless, but he's just not in the same league as the others. The best line of perhaps the entire series occurred at his expense, wherein Anthony Bourdain said, "It's like Julia Child and Charles Manson had a lovechild, and he's cooking for me." He knows how to cook, but he doesn't have the sophistication and impeccable taste needed for the total package. I'm surprised he got this far.
Barb, who should win and who should go home next?
From what I've seen, my votes for a final three would go with Marcel, Ilan and Cliff. Sam's a dark horse for me because my viewing has been so spotty, and on those shows he's never erred seriously nor has he shown particularly brightly. Should he be a finalist? Should prickly Marcel, who only makes food, not friends?
My wine shopping and I have never had a problem. Just a perpetual race between the bankruptcy court and Hell.--Rogov