To my great sadness, I had to pass up a chance to dine last week with Joy and her boyfriend in Omaha. We had planned to be there by dinner time one evening but got too far behind in our journey and didn't end up passing through Omaha until the next noon. With a deadline destination, we had to just blow through but while there I did stop long enough to pick up a consolatory Omaha rib eye to grill later that night at a campsite outside of Peoria Illinois.
We purchased it at a Whole Foods Market, lacking any other local knowledge. Had to laugh though as the butcher who special cut the extra thick ribe eye for two I wanted, informed me that my beef had been proudly grown by Dr. Patricia and Mark Whisnant--in Missouri.
Very unmarbled and lean compared to what I see in the west, so I had some concern about the outcome but I have to attest that it was the most finely flavored and textured steak I can remember having in a long time. Turned everything I believe about marbling being needed for flavor and tenderness completely on its head!