by Jenise » Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:40 pm
Finally saw Chef.
Parts I liked: the real knife skills without the use of body doubles, the chef vs. critic meltdown though it pissed me off that Chef never actually told the critic that the boring food was the owner's demand which he totally disagreed with (who would not defend themselves thus?), Amy Sedaris' clueless publicist, and the acting by the kid. The kid was GOOD. I also thought Lequizamo's personality worked perfectly.
Things I liked least: Robert Downey Jr's unnecessarily weird character, even though it was supposed to set us up to believe why Sofia might have regretted ever divorcing Favreau; and Sofia's movie-star makeup all magazine cover girl close-up worthy with full lipstick and liner in every scene, including when Chef just drops in one morning while she's lazing around in a caftan. Other than the fact that people who like her on whatever TV show it is she's famous for (haven't seen it) may have brought some people to see the film, I thought she was one-dimensionally lousy casting.
I truly enjoyed it, but at the same time it didn't live up to my expectations: it started out with some edgy independent film ambitions but caved in to populus expectations like a studio film trying to earn "the feel-good movie of the year!" kudos.
My wine shopping and I have never had a problem. Just a perpetual race between the bankruptcy court and Hell.--Rogov