by Jenise » Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:43 pm
Very interesting!
And as one who doesn't give a fig about expiry dates, I feel validated. That is, I don't use much canned food, and when I do, if I open the can and find what I expect to find, then I use the product. If not, out it goes. The only thing I can remember tossing in recent years is some Muir Glen tomatoes. They'd turned darker, and the flavor was changed from what you'd expect of a canned tomato. They had been part of the same big sale purchase (50% off from a store that had discontinued the brand) several years earlier, and cans opened early on were fine so I presumed that the last cans simply aged out of range. The last cans were just three or four in number from the original 20 or so I bought, and all were similarly affected. Best I recall they were just at or past the expiry date even then, so I was a bit surprised that they had an issue. Maybe acidity hastens the effect? McGee did make one comment specific to 'low acid' canned items suggesting, without going into how/why, that acidity would be a consideration.
My wine shopping and I have never had a problem. Just a perpetual race between the bankruptcy court and Hell.--Rogov