Sprouting seed is easy and provides great variety to winter salads and garnishes. Right now I have batches of fenugreek, Red Russian kale and radish ready to eat. The kale is a micro green- very fine redish stalk and tiny dark green leaves. The fenugreek is a very long, elegant tannish white stalk with pale green leaves and the radish is in the middle in terms of length. THey all have a bit of crunch in texture and a definite bite in the finish. The fenugreek started out with it's typical aroma but it is barely recognizable in the finished sprout.
The only thing I had trouble with when I first started sprouting was getting the right temperature. They all need a fairly warm environ to start- at least 70F and my house is never that warm in the winter. I discovered that the cabinet next to the dishwasher makes a perfect overnight incubator. The warming drawer is also a few degrees warmer. I rinse before bed, before and after work and that is quite enough. When they are to size, they go in the fridge and last for 7-10 days.
For pennies and minimal effort you can have a cafeteria of interesting greens. If you love to garden and nurture living things sprouting is highly theraputic.
www.sproutpeople.com is a good reference with seeds, info, time lapse videos and pictures of sprouts at different stages