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Great way to keep recipes

Moderators: Jenise, Robin Garr, David M. Bueker

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Fred Sipe


Ultra geek




Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:34 am


Sunless Rust-Belt NE Ohio

Great way to keep recipes

by Fred Sipe » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:55 pm

This is another rehash of something I learned here a long time ago.

I'm going to attribute this to Cynthia Wenslow... I hope I'm not wrong because I'm too lazy right now to look it up.

Gmail. Create an account just for recipes. When I find one online I just copy and past into an email. The email subject is the title of the recipe.

Then I use gmail's label feature to tag each recipe with: Main Beef, Main Lamb, Soup, etc. You can filter all recipes by category.

If you want to, you could share username and password and have a collective recipe "database."

Quite a few of my goodies have been culled from this board.
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Howie Hart


The Hart of Buffalo




Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:13 pm


Niagara Falls, NY

Re: Great way to keep recipes

by Howie Hart » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:04 am

I paste all the recipes I find online in one MSWord file. It is in book form has a table of contents. I just click on a recipe in the TOC and it jumps to the page. It's over 160 pages now.
Chico - Hey! This Bottle is empty!
Groucho - That's because it's dry Champagne.
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Jeff Grossman


That 'pumpkin' guy




Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:56 am



Re: Great way to keep recipes

by Jeff Grossman » Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:10 am

I have a folder called "recipes". I put one recipe, in plain text, in its own file and name the file the same as the recipe (plus ".txt"). Very easy to search, sort, print, etc.
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Fred Sipe


Ultra geek




Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:34 am


Sunless Rust-Belt NE Ohio

Re: Great way to keep recipes

by Fred Sipe » Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:00 pm

I like that I can access my recipe "file" from any computer anywhere (I routinely use 3 in different locations) and my cell phone. And I can click any label to instantly see all of my recipes that match the category. And no backup worries. At least as long as Google doesn't screw up.
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Tim OL

Re: Great way to keep recipes

by Tim OL » Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:52 am

At one point in time I wrote a recipe software program and even started to market it. For some reason I simply abandoned the project. Now days I do pretty much like Jeff does except on an expanded basis.

Recipes almost beg for notations and a simple text file gives you that feature most abundantly. Initially all new recipes go into a folder labeled... recipe possibilities. I generally will have 20 or more sub folders under this folder to classify whatever category I want to highlight. Also individual recipes not classified will simply be listed in this folder.

Once a recipe has been tested it either is sent to the trash file (most wind up here) or it makes it to a Recipe = add to file folder where I do another breakdown this time mostly by type of recipe... entree, dessert, etc.

Finally when I get the time the recipes make their way into my website... a slow process I might add. These days I delete a lot of recipes simply because I know I will never make them again.


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