Speaking of angst. I had a lot of it earlier today when I thought my dishwasher had broken.
It wouldn't turn on even though I reset everything and pushed all kinds of buttons (the control panel is much more complex than just on and off). The digital readout kept mocking me with "1 hr [left]." Obviously it was getting electricity, so my breakers were okay. I thought perhaps the control logic had gotten scrambled somehow (how do you reboot a dishwasher?).
After reading the instruction manual, doing a lot of cursing, and wondering why it said "1 hr" instead of "60 [min]" like it normally does, a faint oven bulb (or was it just an LED?) lit up in my brain. It was telling me that it was going to start washing an hour in the future. I had obviously bumped a wrong button doing something else. Duh!
Anyway, I feel better now. I had had a Kenmore DW for 20 yrs and have had this GE top-of-the-line Profile model for less than a year. If you're reading this, GE, I take back what I was saying about you.