Ho! Chef is back posting. Time for me to trot out a few malinformed culinary idiocies for bait!
Mark "Which one is the spatula?" Lipton
(just finished making some batter for crepes tomorrow morning... the young'un has developed a taste for them; that was after making and applying some rub to a bunch of spare ribs for the morrow)
Back to the article..what other traits disqualify a wannabe professional chef? Not that I had that delusion, but they lost me at #1 ! I have "one-more-itis", I think I can always get one more thing done before..checking the rolls in the oven, turning the steaks, stirring the risotto..oops. Needless to say I'd probably be a bust at numbers 2 through 10, as well. So, Chef, duct tape your power cord in, and let me know what the article left out.