Questions about which wine to server with what foods keep coming up in the Social environment, the Retail environment and many other areas.
For the past 5 years or so, I have been running a Wine Dinner at the Lake Community I live in. We have about 100 people and I select about 7 different wines ( 1 for the opening and 1 for after or during dessert). I then work with one of our caterers in coming up with the perfect dish to pair with the wines I have chosen. I pick the wines first, only because I try to have a 'theme' for each of this dinners. The themes have ranged from "Sparkling Wines", Touring Italy, Local Wines - CT,NY, and this year I am planning "Around the World in 80 glasses or so". Those events, I really do not have much of a problem coming up with the right selections.
In the retail environment, I try to tell people to forget about the old tradition: White wine with Fish, Red wine with Meat While that still holds true in many situations, I tell people, its more important that you drink the wine that you like.
Selecting the right wine normally is not all that difficult.... BUT identifying the wrong wine to serve with a particular food dish can be a little bit more difficult.
So, I guess what I am asking for members to post their big NO-NOs when it comes to the wrong wine. I have my own views, but considering the audience out here, I would really appreciate some expert opinions on this subject.