For some of my son's previous customers and for an upcoming Wine Food/Pairing Diner that I will be running we want to provide Wine Lollipops as the 'favors'
We tried this about a year ago. We gave up trying to use any red wine and settled for Sauvignon Blancs. We were using various small spice leaves (Rosemary, Parsley, etc) to be 'set'
inside the Lollipop.
The biggest problem we have had is getting the candy to heat at the right temperature with the wine and getting it to gel and still have the leave's flattened. My son had one of the pastry chef's he graduated with work on this and she has made a few (down in Brooklyn, NY) - Its sort of a semi-patent thing right now.. But we still are looking to perfect it.
Any candy folks out there that could give us some advice?