So at the store the other day the plums were giving off scents from several feet away, and I couldn't resist. But on closer inspection, at least according to the signs, they were pluots, not plums. One was called Golden Raspberry and the other I forget what--I only know that neither are names I've seen before. And last year, I bought names I hadn't seen the year before--I remember an exquisite apricot-like fruit that was orange and apricot in flavor but juicier more in the way of plums. They were called Flavorella. And I looked all that summer for the green mango-nectarine marriage I'd gone nuts over the summer before. To no avail.
I'm already mourning the apparent fact that the Golden Raspberries (Maroon skin with big yellow spots, red flesh) which I'm loving won't be here again next year.
So what's going on? What's with this constant parade of delicious fruit from summer to summer without repeats? Anyone know?