Cynthia Wenslow
Pizza Princess
Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:32 pm
The Third Coast
Bob Henrick
Kamado Kommander
Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:35 pm
Lexington, Ky.
Barb Freda wrote:First, Hello, all--long time I haven't visited, and I just don't know why...the minute I landed on the page, I missed you all...hopefully, I will just get back on the habit of checking in here for all the wisdom, which is why I thought of you guys today.
I have a ginger root that sprouted...Can I plant it? Anyone ever grown ginger? Or do I need an acre to get one pound of rhizome? I'm in S. florida where it is hot all the time, so no worries about the weather unless it's too dry in winter and too wet in summer...
Oh, and I have a black thumb.
Should I even hope?
Paul Winalski
Wok Wielder
Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:16 pm
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Barb Freda wrote:Thanks, guys--I knew someone here would tell me...I'll pot it up and put it outside...was just about to work on my little tiny front yard (containers for sure, as we are still renters)...
If anyone is interested in what I've been up to, please look here--you can see me in action on the first site: Click on the videos and meet goofy me.
Comment anywhere!
FLDG Dishwasher
Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:45 pm
The Pacific Northest Westest
Barb Freda wrote:Oh, and don't worry, Robin. You won't find me in KY this week. Heck, I just had to turn on the AC again.
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