First, Thank you Peter for posting your scone recipe under Celia's Easiest Scone Thread! Thanks especially for all the tips. I wondered how your scones rose up so high. I will certainly try kneading my dough a bit.
After making Celia's scones and and looking at different recipes on the web, I was curious about several things. First, for any country that does not have salt in their self-rising flour, aren't your scones bland? Peter, is there salt in the UK's self-rising flour? I know you said you add a pinch of that on top of salt already in the flour?
I checked different Australian recipes for scones and muffins using self-rising (sometimes called self-raising?) flour and none of the recipes call for salt. I don't know why this bothers me so much, I just can't imagine baking any kind of item with no salt at all.
Also, I found several recipes for "fluffy" scones in the US that use eggs. Has anyone ever tried this? I would think the end results would taste more like cake.
I like my scone recipe pretty well. But, when I went to Hawaii several yrs ago, we stayed in the Four Seasons and they had the most amazing scones I have ever tasted. Super light, fluffy, flakey. I have never been able to duplicate them, nor have I ever had anything like them, in England or here in the US. I guess I am on a quest for the perfect scone recipe!
I have tried all kinds of things in my scones...buttermilk, heavy cream and butter, sugar, spices, sugar on top, etc. Also, does anyone know the difference between a "rock cake" and a scone?