by Jeff Grossman » Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:22 am
Today I learned that some days you just cannot do anything right.
I planned a simple-seeming menu -- two 1.5" strip loins, a big bunch of pan-fried fingerlings with garlic and rosemary, and some mixed sauteed vegetables. Nothing conceptually hard here except that (A) it's a lot of plates and pans: half a dozen vegetables cut, the two steaks prepared differently, potatoes parboiled then returned to the pan, bottles/jars/butter standing around waiting to be used; and (B) the steaks can't be done together and each one requires 3-4 touches.
So, I reach for a measuring cup and accidentally knock a shot-glass off the shelf. It hits the granite counter-top and shatters into a zillion pieces. I move everything from one side of the counter to the other, rinsing off every item as it goes past the faucet. (I still missed a few shards among the chopped vegetables and throw them away *after* having made and served them.)
Later, I've gotten one steak ready to come out of the oven while the second one goes in. I move the ready steak to a cutting board to apply butter and rest. I then think better of leaving its now-empty pan in a 500*F oven -- could be a lot of work later to get the fat off it -- so I use a mitt and bring it to the stove-top. It's big and it's hot and my stove-top is crowded under the best of circumstances so I rest it between two burners.
The moment I take my hand off it, it slides forward into the pan with the potatoes and sends it crashing to the floor. Nothing broke this time but a lot of hot potatoes (and garlic and rosemary) went skittering across the floor. As the cook, I will occasionally eat a piece of food that has, ahem, left the pan inadvertently. But not a whole serving of potatoes, way more than the 5-second rule(!) to pick up, and there are probably still glass shards down there....
There were two other minor mishaps, too.
Haven't had a day this clumsy in a long time.