John Treder wrote:>> you must consider that she gave that advice in the bad old days <<
I know, Jenise. And yet it does work, and I don't always have a bottle of white open to drink. I also keep a bottle of inexpensive dry sherry around. Try adding a teaspoonful to a cheese omelet sometime!
I want to second what John said. White vermouth has that interesting bouquet of herbs that can make a soup.
Read this article about Waterzooi -- a Belgian soup from Ghent that was originally made with fish. As the canals around Ghent silted up they started making it with chicken. But it's good either way. (The page takes a while to load on my MacBook) ... -soup.html
And when I don't have white wine I'll gladly sip a tumbler of vermouth with an ice cube.
ALSO I'd like to second the fact that they hand-make wonderful vermouths in Spain, and if you find that you are lucky. My neighbor met a bartender who gave him a bottle of his own special vermouth -- I tasted it and it was fine stuff.