Jo Ann Henderson wrote: And, I am not convinced that $45-75 for a 5-course meal is all you would pay to eat at this restaurant. This is just the admission fee, if it is the spectacle that some believe. The rest of the cost will be presented to you at the conclusion of the meal.
But Mr. Achatz (snip) hopes that people won’t be irritated once they enjoy the convenience of a meal with no decisions to be made and no check to be signed. “There’s no transactions in the restaurant at all,” he said. “So you can literally come in, sit down, start your experience, and when you’re done, you just get up and leave.”
Wine pairings are also prepaid.
I just can't think of anywhere other than restaurants where one party makes a reservation, and doesn't need to put out cash. Wait, I guess car rentals would be only one. Which is why we've all had irritating things like long waits for our reservations, because restaurant overbooked to guard against cancels. That doesn't happen at plays, baseball games, or the opera, because you have a ticket, not a reservation.