ChefCarey wrote:Gasp, you mean there are fewer of us because of flouridation? Hey, wait a minute, that might not be a bad thing!
Nah--Stuart was saying that there is a decrease in the incidence of
dental caries. So fewer of your relatives are becoming dentists.
On the subject of flouridated water: I wonder what the relative rates of death are from complications associated with tooth infections versus flooride-induced osteosarcoma?
I'm actually more worried about all that dihydrogen oxide present in both bottled water and tap water. Dihydrogen oxide intoxication is responsible for many more deaths each year than flouride and caries combined! Yet nobody is doing anything about it. I suspect a conspiracy backed by the soft drink companies and other big businesses who have it as an ingredient in their products.
-Paul W. (just because you're paranoid doesn't mean the aren't out to get you)