At a friends's barbecue..he produced the following wine..label covered
Niersteiner Brudersberg
Spätlese trocken 1990
Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim
Nierstein am Rhein, Rheinhessen, Germany
Half bottle: Yellow gold colour...hey..this is good..
I guessed not French..trace of petroleum which
I love in older Riesling. must be aged...maybe 15 years...
but where from...lovely palate..quite full(12%)...
just the last touch of dryness..otherwise a real pleaser..
OK..take the cover off..
The host had heard that the vineyard were selling
off some stock cheaply as they needed cellar space
for a new joint-venture with another company...
He had bought 6 half bottles at...wait for it...Euros 2.50 each...
that's $ 3.40..but in any must be the bargain par none...
he is kicking himself he didn't get more...I could have kicked him as well under the table...
Points 17.5 30 years I have had some real 'surprise' bargains..but methinks this beats the lot...any other stories...?