After Bar-Mitzvah (13years old) they can taste, from my glass, only very special wines on special occasions. At 16, they can taste, from my glass, any wine I drink. At 18, they can have a glass of wine with dinner IF they are not going out afterward. My 20 (almost 21 year old) is very interested in learning about wines, my 17 year old likes champaign, and my 14 year old son wants to learn about wines because he likes to cook and sees the thought that I put into being such a geek.
Both my daughters who are now of driving age are automatically assumed to be the designated drivers since binge drinking is rampant among teens now and they don't drink in public. I have repeatedly emphasized the tragic consequences of binge drinking and drinking/driving, as well as the nasty consequences on young bodies of alcohol excess. For now, it seems that the conflicting messages of enjoy wine with dinner/don't get smashed with your friends are being understood. With kids, I can only go day to day but so far, I'm pleased.
My 14 year old son has been exposed to binge drinking among his peers as well - so far he has resisted the peer pressure. I've convinced him that people who are comfortable with themselves do not need to get smashed to have a good time. This has created difficulties for him as he tells me he simply can't have a party at our house if there can be no alcohol. We have told him so be it. And still somehow friends come to our house to watch movies, or have me cook for them or to just hang out. I have no idea if he'll be able to resist the temptation as he goes along, boys seem naturally more self destructive than girls sometime, but he does already recognize that the stuff I drink tastes a helluva lot better than the stuff his friends do.
Being a parent these days is hard. You don't get away with one conversation on such a topic. It's a constant battle to explain the subtleties and complexities, exert influence and maintain discipline. And this is only one minefield that needs constant traversal. I certainly haven't mastered it and sometimes I just want to throw up my hands and say fine - do whatever you want - I'm tired of constantly being the bad guy. So we do the best we can with the information we have.
Anybody who says they have THE answer is kidding themselves, don't have kids, or is trying to sell a book. Run - don't walk away from that person before they really mess things up.