by Jenise » Mon May 27, 2024 12:24 pm
Not that long ago an very elderly WIWP (Wacky Internet Wine Personality) and Bordeaux fanatic, Sir Richard (yeah, a legit baronet), who lived in the Santa Barbara area went on and on about Diatom chardonnay. His wife mostly drank white and this was their favorite. He himself was a devotee of Domaine du Chevalier rouge. What made him wacky is that he logged in almost daily to boast about these wines and aggressively challenging all who disagreed with his proclamations to IQ tests. At least half of his posts came from a medical facility where he was being rehabbed after a fall/head injury. His issues seemed to be part medication and part just being off his rocker. Anyway, his fights resulted in him getting kicked off Wine Beserkers and the Wine Spectator sites before coming here and trying to burn us down, too. After we locked him out he went to the Cellar Tracker board where he got in a lot of trouble, but passed away before they had to throw him out.
I had not heard of Diatom before all that but, of course, I couldn't resist trying one when I saw it locally. This was maybe four years ago? Anyway, I only paid around $15 for it. I'm very surprised to see the prices you're mentioning. I'm going to go look this up....
My wine shopping and I have never had a problem. Just a perpetual race between the bankruptcy court and Hell.--Rogov