Just showed up in the WashPost. In which he trots out all the trite shibboleths on what you need to do for proper wine storage:
[McIntyre:WineStorage](https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/202 ... mperature/)
Just your usual crock of $hit. We find out that wine is a "living thing". Well,,, "living" in the same sense that is a piece of iron rusting in the air. If the wine is "living" (active biological growth) it probably a natural wine and a wine I want to have nothing to do with.
We find out that a wine you store too long turns to vinegar. I've yet to have an old wine that was vinegar (high VA/EA level) unless it went into the btl w/ an active acetobacter culture present.
We learn that wine does not like to be stored in the presence of vibrations because wine does not like to be jostled.
This is the kind of crap that gives wine writing such a bad reputation. McIntyre should be ashamed to have his name on this article.