Tried last night this new Bedrock arrival:
1. Bedrock SauvBlanc SonomaVlly/SonomaCnty (14.1%; UboldiVnyd/GlenEllen + JudgeVnyd/BennettVlly+BedrockVnyd/Block3; Drk: 2022-2027: MTP) Sonoma 2022: Light gold color; pleasant SB/herbal/new mown hay/bit grassy/Kansas hay loft slight pencilly/oak somewhat quiet nose; bit soft some ripe/melony/SB light herbal/grassy/haymow light pencilly/oak rather simple flavor; med. lightly SB/herbal/grassy/Kansas haymow light pencilly/oak finish; a pleasant if quiet SB but just that; doesn't show the aromatics of Musque clone; a bit undistinguished but fairly priced at $24.00
More bertaskit from TheBloodyPulpit:
1. The Bedrock SonomaVlly Zin is always one of my real values. I was expecting this to be in that QPR league. It was not. It was rather undistinguished and not in the league of the DryCreekVnyds SB's.