Had these for dinner last night:
1. Ridge Zin BuchagnaniRanch/SonomaCnty (96% Zin/4% Carignane; 15.1%; 44 brls; bttld Dec 06; Drk: 10/06-10/12-10/13: JO) 2005: Med.light rather bricked/brown color; strong pencilly/cedary/oldZin/tired very slight raspberry/Zin some complex nose; soft cedary/pencilly/oak rather tired flavor w/ light drying/astringent tannins; med.long cedary/pencilly/oldZin pretty dried-out/tired finish; a tired/dried pretty much DOA Zin w/ no fruit left.
2. Ridge Zin Boatman/AlexVlly/SonomaCnty (15.0%; 98% Zin/2% PetiteSirah; 64 brls; bttld 12/2019; Drk: 10/19-10/26-10/27: JO; tartaric acid) 2018: Fairly dark color; some vanilla/Am.oak/Ridge oak bit milk of magnesia some raspberry/Zin/blackberry lightly spicy slight earthy pleasant enough nose; soft light Am.oak/vanilla/Ridge oak some raspberry/blackberry/plummy/slightly spicy some earthy/loamy flavor w/ light tannins; med.long soft some raspberry/plummy/blackberry/Zin modest Ridge oak/vanilla rather simple Zin finish w/ light tannins; a thoroughly underwhelming Ridge Zin w/ little in the way of distinguishing features; not even of the 3Vllys level; a pretty ho-hum Zin.
$34.00 (ATP)
3. Bedrock Zin NomaVnyd/Lodi (14.5%; own-rooted/abandoned vnyd; 1.2 ton/acre) 2019: Dark/very dark color; strong ripe Lodi Zin/boysenberry/blackberry/plummy/bit chocolaty some dusty/OV some earthy/Lodi/loamy/mushroomy light toasty/oak fairly classic Lodi Zin nose; soft rich/lush very strong blackberry/boysenberry/Zin/licorice/bit chocolaty light toasty/oak rather Lodi Zin/earthy/loamy/mushroomy some dusty/OV flavor w/ light ripe tannins; very long soft strong Lodi Zin/plummy/blackberry/bit licorice fairly strong Lodi/earthy/mushroomy/loamy finish w/ light ripe tannins; a fairly classic Lodi Zin but doesn't really excite. $34.00
A wee BloodyPulpit
1. Buchagnani: This was never much of a Zin and time as not been kind to it. In its youth, it was a rather quotidian Zin.
2. Boatman: This is the last wine in my recent ATP shipment. The two Buchagnanis were outstanding. This was a pretty underwhelming not even of the 3Vllys level.