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WTN: Two Whites from a Friend...(short/boring)

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:01 pm

WTN: Two Whites from a Friend...(short/boring)

by TomHill » Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:04 pm

Steve gave me Fri these two btls to try, which I shared w/ Susan & Roman:
1. Devium Riesling LewisPeakVnyd/WashState (10.5%;; ) WallaWalla 2019: color; some earthy/dusty bit steely/flinty lightly floral/R/peach rather interesting attractive nose; lightly tart off-dry (0.4%-0.6% r.s.?) some floral/R/peach/hair oil light earthy/chalky/steely/tangy bit rich rather attractive flavor; very long some tart/tangy bit off-dry some floral/R/peach/hair oil some earthy/chalky/steely finish; a quite interesting R that reminds me more of the Sudtirol than anything; some R fruit but not particularly high-toned. $34.00 (vSC)
2. Dom.Bru-Bache La Quintessence AC: Jurancon (13.5%; 100% Petite Manseng; KermitLynchImprts; MeBalP) Vigernon: Claude Loustalot/Monein 2010: Deep gold/burnished bronze color; intense late hrvst very oranget/very ripe slight earthy bit rustic rather complex nose; bit soft strong late hrvst/ripe/very orangey some earthy/complex quite sweet lightly oxidative very honeyed/honeycomb flavor; very long/lingering bit alcoholic/hot very ripe/orangey/late hrvsty some earthy/graham cracker/vanilla wafer slightly bitter very sweet/intense fairly complex finish; a lovely example of a Jurancon late hrvst sweet wine; no signs of botrytis. $30.00/hlf (vSC)
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. Devium is apparently a 2'nd label for Slight of Hand Cllrs. TreyBusch is a part owner.
2. Jurancon: My first experience w/ this producer. This very sweet wine is made by leaving the grapes on the vine until late Nov/Dec. Botrytis seldom plays a role. This wine reminds me a lot of the Vignalta Fior d'Arancio Orange Muscat, but not nearly so aromatic.
TablasCreek makes a PetitManseng in this exact same style that I really like. It's much cleaner & bright, though I've never had one a 10 yrs of age.

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