Tried this ystrday from Sue's cellar:
1. VinoNoceto Sangiovese Riserva ShanandoahVlly/Calif (14.5%) Suzy & Jim Gullett/Plymouth 2000: Rather dark color w/ light bricking; rather dusty some pencilly/Am.oak some cherry/Sangio bit Tuscan-like slight Amador/briary some complex nose; fairly tart/tangy bit hard/tannic light pencilly/oak light cherry/Sangio fairly dusty/bit earthy/root cellar slight Amador/briary flavor w/ ample hard tannins; med.long tart/tangy/austere/hard/rustic slight Sangio/cherry dusty/earthy finish w/ ample hard tannins; very Sangio/Tuscan-like rather rough/rustic character & not much signs of evolution; probably never outlive the tannins & be a pleasurable wine.
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. Noceto: Jim & Suzy Gullett specialize in Sangiovese. They own the old Ed&Kay Baldenelli property just East of BillEaston. The OV Zin vnyd was the source of the legendary Mayacamas LateHrvst Zin '72. The wnry has a distinct Italian theme to it. I was expecting more evolution to this Sangio, but it was still very much on the rough & rustic side.