Tried this the other night:
1. Piccoli Zefiro DOC: Valpolicella (12.5%; ToscoImprts; www.PiccoliWine.It) Piccoli Daniela di Tommasini Veronica/Verona 2016: Med.light color; some dusty/earthy spicy/raspberry/cherry/sicy rather fragrant bit rustic attractive nose; fairly tart/tangy/bit metallic spicy/raspberry/cherry some coarse/rustic/earthy/dusty/loamy somewhat rough flavor w/ light rough tannins; med.long fairly tart spicy/raspberry rather rough/coarse/rustic earthy/dusty/loamy finish w/ light bitey tannins; a perfectly decent rough pizza wine but nothing more. $24.00 (EVN)
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. I needed a btl to fill out my case from EnotecaVinoNostro. I hadn't tried a Valpolicella in why not? I'd heard they were making some good ones these days. So I ordered this one. Pretty much delivered on my past experience w/ Valpolicella...why bother?