by David M. Bueker » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:10 am
Reflecting on some commentary I read elsewhere, I was thinking about alcohol levels in wine, and how they influence what I choose to drink with my meals. With the exception of when I am grilling a burger or a steak, I essentially avoid wines that are above 14.5% alcohol. Maybe with a hearty winter stew I will break out a higher octane red wine, but that's about it.
Granted, my bias is firmly towards lower alcohol, as I focus on Riesling and Champagne for much of my drinking.
Looking at the data some more, I see that I make numerous, non-red meat meal exceptions for Ridge and Bedrock, but it's a rare event that I notice the alcohol in ether of those producers' wines.
Given the somewhat Euro-centric drinking focus on this site, I would expect some similar views, but am interested in thoughts and comments from everyone.
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