2010 Movia Puro Rose
Description: 130+ year old pinot noir vineyard. Method Champenoise. Undisgorged. Note: This needs to be stored upside down to gather the yeast in the neck of the bottle for about an hour before serving. Disgorge/open under water.
https://vimeo.com/39229991 (disgorgement video)
Is this a new 'thing?? And you'd need a way of holding the bottles upside down while they mature, and special hardware to open them upside down under water....wonder if they will have another kit that allows you to add a dosage and recork them to get some nice fizz going?
I guess this is a step or two removed from the usual wine 'kits' for making wine at home, in that they put it in the bottle for you, but it certainly seems a tad too much 'hands on' for most hobbyists. And I didn't think wine fans had practiced 'self disgorgement' since the days of the Roman Saturnalias when they needed to make room for the next course (echh!).....