Interesting article in 750Daily, as linked by WineTerroirist, that Mondeuse is becoming the next big thing with all the hip somms (at least for this week):
It, of course, credits Carole & Steve for planting Mondeuse on MtVeeder and leading the revival in Calif, as credited by JaimieMotley. Which I would agree...the L-M Mondeuse is good as it gets. It notes that Mondeuse was more common in Calif in te 1800's, though little/none of those old plantings exist. Actually, PieroAntinori & Dick Peterson planted it early on on AtlasPeak. But that was because they planted Refosco, which turned out to be mis-identified by FPS and was actually Mondeuse. Alas, Glenn Salva pulled it some yrs ago, but the last crop, made by Trinchero for DarrellCorti, was classic Mondeuse, though a pretty rugged wine.