Was 55 degrees accepted as the "optimum cellar temperature" just because that is the normal, consistent temperature in a cave, OR has there ever been any long-tern studies on how well wine fares at various <b>consistent</b> temperatures?
For example, place a case of the same wines in different controlled environments (say, 45, 55, 65 & 75 degrees). After the 5th year, start tasting a bottle a year from each environment. and compare & rate the wines.
With more wines & space, you could even test with a case each of a dozen different varieties in each environement...
Yes, it would take 10 to 15 years to understand the results, but the knowledge would benefit everyone else who follows...

Reminds me of a WSJ column where Dottie & John "found" a case of inexpensive wines they had "lost in a closet" for 10 years -- their conclusions were interesting!