Somehow or another, I've never picked up this book until now, despite seeing it recommended here many times.
I loved the book - absolutely loved Kermit Lynch's writing, and the anecdotes he shared. But I have to say I came away a bit depressed by his assessment of the French wine scene at the time he wrote the book. He described disappearing vineyards, cultural shifts, and changes in technology that have had a detrimental effect on the wines he loved, and described so beautifully.
What I am wondering is this....given that the book was written quite a long time ago, have things shifted back? Are any producers sticking with, or returning to, the old ways of making wine which the author described?
I see that KL still sells wine, so unless his thinking has changed, is he still finding the gems described in the book? I'd like to buy some wine from him, just to see how things have changed, or remained the same.