ekovitch wrote:I have been absent for a while. Is there any word on MoCool 2006?
Hiya ... Erich? Erroll? There was a little flurry of activity on the MoCool E-mail list a few weeks ago, and several of the usual suspects insist that there will be an event this year - maybe a Saturday picnic only. There was talk about the theme being "Sweet 16," focusing on wines of the 1990 vintage. There was also talk about having a secondary theme - maybe light whites and bubblies - to accommodate those who don't have cellars and/or those who think a summer picnic tasting under a tent probably ought to have at least a few alternatives to well-aged old masterpieces.
I have no reason to doubt that it will happen, but I'll also be happy when we get a more specific commitment from the organizers and their go-ahead to put it on the MoCool home page.