Sam Platt wrote:Tim,
I love the charm of a crank phone with a funnel mouth piece. I find the brisk rythmic tapping of a manual typewriter to be extremely evocative. Yet I still use a cell phone and a PC. Technology marches on and we have to let go of the past. The evidence ovewhelmingly indicates that screw-caps protect wine from damage better than cork closures. Embrace the future, Tim. Love, or at least accept the superiority of the screw cap.
And the Beta folks thought they'd beat out VHS, too.
Guess what? VHS was the product of choice....just like cork is now. How about that.
You can claim all the high ground you care to, Sam, but the bottom line is screw caps are widely rejected and wholly unproven.
Your less than circumspect talk only
supports my position on the matter: Wineries will go screw cap to save money and preserve cork for their high-end wines. All of which is based upon the unfortunate assumption that those of us without the pocketbook to buy abusively expensive wines drink the low-end stuff in short order.
Apparently, you would prefer we "great unwashed" corkheads would stick to beer instead. Lucky Lager, maybe? We obviously aren't smart enough to accept
I am very sorry to find you so reticent, Sam.