Robin Garr wrote:In terms of forum "rank," that is, those silly categories that appear on the left-hand side of your forum posts along with your name and location.
The ranking system came with the PhpBB2 software and we decided to keep it, assigning a series of (slightly) humorous rank levels depending on the number of posts:
- Code: Select all
Just got here 0
Cellar rat 5
Wine geek 20
Über geek 100
Wine guru 500
Now, however, we've got a couple of folks who've passed the 1,000 point and quite a few more on the way, so we need to add another rank. I've discarded "Wine windbag" and "pompous bore," but would welcome suggestions for something funny and appropriate to define the next level, and maybe even the level after that, just to give folks something to shoot for.
Nominations, please!
Well, an "astronaut" gets to view things out-of-this-world so, by the time one gets into the 1000th degree in terms of posts, one couldn't possibly want to be even near the humble lowliness of the earthling "cellar rats" and "uber geeks" of the world. So I think the next category of ranks ought to be some kind of an ascending degree of "Parker-nauts".
Or, "parker-nuts"